Posts « Dog Food Report

Cesar Millan



On the off chance you haven't heard of him, it is our pleasure to introduce you to world-renowned dog behavior expert, Cesar Millan. Cesar is the star of the National Geographic Channel hit TV series Dog Whisperer with Cesar Millan, broadcast in  countries around the world, a New York Times bestselling author, and the definitive authority in offering dog behavior advice to dog owners worldwide.

Cesar counsels people to use calm- assertive energy to establish themselves as “pack leaders,” and to consistently give their dogs rules, boundaries, and limitations to help correct and control unwanted behavior. Central to Cesar’s approach and teachings is his “fulfillment formula” for people to give their dogs “Exercise, Discipline, and Affection,” in that order.

In addition to his hit TV show and bestselling books, Cesar and his approach to dog behavior is consistently the subject of national media attention, including The New Yorker, Los Angeles Times, CBS-TV, Nightline, The Oprah Winfrey Show, and The Today Show. Cesar's experience and understanding of dog behavior gives CMI the unique ability to develop products and services specific to his philosophies and methods, empowering dog owners around the world to correct unwanted behaviors and build more fulfilling relationships with their dogs.

Save $40 on Dog Whisperer Training DVDs and Dog Co

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A dog's diet affects every aspect of their health and well being. You undoubtedly want only the very best for your furry friend. When it comes to choosing the best for your dog's diet, you have so many options available. It can be hard to determine which food will have the most positive effect on your dog's diet and health. Which is better, canned dog food or dry kibble?

The debate between canned dog food and kibble has continued since the two varieties have been on the market. What are the advantages of canned dog food as the main component of your dog's diet? Is dry kibble superior to canned dog food? Possibly, it is simply personal preference between the two varieties.

To help you decide, let's take a look at the advantages of each type of dog food as part of a healthy and balanced diet for your pet. To get the best advice, schedule a visit with the veterinarian to discuss your dog's diet. The two of you can talk about how each type of dog food will specifically relate to your pet.

Canned dog food, as the main component of your dog's diet, has gotten a negative stigma over the years. Many pet owners feel that the cost of canned dog food is high and unappealing, especially for the larger breeds who require greater amounts of food daily.

A significant advantage of canned dog food is the quality. Frequently, you will find that canned dog food offers large chunks of real meat for your pet. Fewer additives and fillers are found in most brands of canned dog food. Knowing the importance of high-quality ingredients, canned dog food certainly has its place in a healthy, balanced dog diet.

Another advantage of canned dog food in your dog's diet is palatability. Dogs will commonly take to canned dog food quickly. This can be a true advantage when you are dealing with a picky eater.

Dogs who have trouble with oral health and chewing will find the moist food easier to eat. If you note your dog is struggling to eat the kibble diet, then canned dog food may be just the solution to your dog's diet problems.

Dry kibble also has advantages in a dog's diet. The dry kibble helps to keep your dog's teeth healthy by removing plaque and tartar. Excellent oral health for your pet can be easily maintained with dry kibble as the main component in your dog's diet. The moist dog food from cans do not provide the same benefit.

Storage of the dry kibble does not require refrigeration after opening. This can make traveling with your pet easier and more convenient.

Cost is yet another reason to consider dry kibble for your dog's diet. High-quality dry dog food is available to pet owners at a reasonable price.

Whether you choose dry kibble or canned dog food, you will always want to talk over the issue with your veterinarian. Canned food is great for picky eaters and pet's with difficulty chewing. Canned food offers high quality ingredients for your dog's diet. Dry kibble is inexpensive and helps promote good oral health. Providing your pet with the best nutrition is the first step in caring for your pet.

Pets are member of our family moreover; they need special attention in the matters of food. There are many advantages of feeding natural foods to dogs. All natural dog food is very rich in vitamin E and C, which is very important for their body. Vitamin E keeps their coat glowing and vitamin C is good for their bones. All these vitamins affect in the same manner as in a human body. Vitamin such as, beta-carotene is helpful in removing toxins from the body commonly known as free radicals.

Animals normally eat meat thus, their body gain lots of toxic material in their body and if toxic material is not removed from their body then, there are lots of chances of them getting infected with diseases of lungs and heart. It is good to give supplements of all natural food daily to keep their metabolic system free from infection and diseases.

All natural dog foods are a good source of fiber and antioxidant. Some of the natural food contain manganese, phosphorous, calcium and potassium all these vitamins and minerals are very much necessary in their diet. There are many vegetable rich in antioxidant such as, dark green and bright orange. By feeding all natural dogs in their meal is just like getting a insurance policy for your loving pet.

There is lots of branded natural food available in market for your pet. However, it is better to consult with your Viet nary doctor before feeding canned natural food. Advice of a doctor is very essential before going for an experiment because some canned food is especially kind of breads.

Every pet owner feel his pet should good breath, brilliant coat sheen, clean teeth, bright clear eyes and be healthy any time. For this entire thing, the pet should good quality of all natural food because a complete diet can only bring this affect to your adorable pet. One should take care about the health of their so that, pet also live a longer life.

If the pets are properly feed by rich nutrition then it will be prevention against common veterinary disease. It is always suggested veterinary doctor to give holistic food to pet because home made food thus it keep pet away from artificial ingredients.

There are certain food should be avoided such as, food contain high amount of oil and low cost food supplement such as protein capsules. Thus, this type of food lead to digestive problem and similarly some pet face hair fall problem too.

All natural dog food has there own advantages and doctor also says it is better to give natural food to pet. Natural food also affects the behavior of pet, it makes them more active and playful similarly it makes some changes in their ferocious attitude.

So feed your dogs with all natural dog food to keep them healthier.

You know the importance of choosing a healthy diet for your pet. You have taken the time and effort to consult with the veterinarian about a healthy and nutritious dog food. Whether you choose dried food, canned dog food, or make it from scratch, you may be overlooking something extremely important in your dog's diet.

Do you occasionally give your best friend a treat from the table or a rawhide to chew? These treats may seem like a simple snack or tidbit, but they really can add up. You may not have considered it before, but any and all treats that you give your pet are a part of your dog's diet. The question now becomes, how significant are treats in your dog's diet? Do you give your dog a treat once a day in the evening while watching television, or do you scatter Milk Bones throughout the day for each cute look or adorable pet trick?

The type of treats you give your dog also makes a difference in your dog's diet. Do you pass out cookies and scraps from dinner, or maybe a piece of popcorn or two? Junk food for you becomes junk food for your pet. In fact, some healthy foods for you are not good for your dog. Raisins are a healthy snack for humans to munch on between meals, but they can be detrimental to the health of your dog. Keep your dog's diet healthy even during snack time with treats.

Rawhides are an area of controversy. Some pet owners and vets feel they do not make a good treat for your pet. Others feel that rawhides provide entertainment and good dental health for your dog. Find out what your vet recommends. If you decide to allow rawhides in your dog's diet, avoid them in excess. They can create thin stools and provide many empty calories.

Your dog views a treat as just that, a special treat between meals. For the most part, dog's don't care if you give them a baby carrot, rawhide chew, or Milk Bone. They are happy to get the snack. If you find you provide numerous treats during the course of the day, you may need to modify your dog's diet to avoid maintaining a healthy weight. Giving your pet a whole bunch of treats sure is fun for both you and your dog, but can lead to serious health troubles.

Consider altering your dog's diet by giving him or her less treats. Instead of a large Milk Bone, for example, break the treat into several smaller pieces and distribute them one at a time. This will have your dog eating less between meals.

Ice cubes, small bits of apple, and baby carrots are terrific healthy treat ideas to consider when choosing a healthy diet for your dog. Such treats make little difference overall and make monitoring your dog's daily intake much easier for you. This way, you can focus solely on the food consumed during mealtime. A dog's diet needs to be healthy to ensure a long and happy life for your pet.

Holistic Dog Food

It isn't exactly common knowledge, but the dog food that's for sale at most supermarkets contains things like meat by-products, corn, soy, wheat, and artificial colors and preservatives.  The manufacturer's of these dog foods are in business to make money after all, and they try to find the most cost-effective ways to mass produce these foods yet still meet the bare minimums for nutritional requirements.  These items lead to digestive issues, intolerance to grains, and food related allergies.  Corn, soy, and wheat are nothing but cheap fillers that make your dog feel full and promote allergies.

Holistic dog food is made with real meat, wholesome grains, fruits and vegetables.  These foods are naturally allergen free, which promotes better skin and coat and greater overall health for your pet.  If your pet prefers chicken, beef, bison, duck, fish, lamb, turkey, venison or vegetarian holistic food, you can find them all through


Grain Free Dog Food

Grain free dog food is becoming more popular among dog owners.  According to many nutrition experts, the main reason for this is due to the harmful long term effects of feeding high volume grain diets.  There are various formulas of grain free dog foods, each using different ingredients to make up for the lack of grains.  In the wild, dogs do not eat a large amount of carbohydrates.  Their diets mainly consist of meat proteins.  However, they do eat plant proteins, but most of these come from the animals they consume.

The biggest benefit of feeding grain-free is because many dogs are allergic to grain.  Grain allergies will often cause ear infections, excessive scratching, licking of paws and hot spots.  Dogs with issues such as these will benefit greatly by eating grain free foods by eliminating grain allergens from their diet.

The transition time is one of the biggest things to remember when switching to a grain free dog food.  Switching to a grain free food needs to be slow and done over 3 weeks. The first week should be 1/4 of the new food and 3/4 of the old food. The second week should be 1/2 of the new food and 1/2 the old food. The third week should be 3/4 of the new food and 1/4 old food before switching entirely to the new food on the forth week.  A sudden food change may cause stomach aches or diarrhea.


Dehydrated Dog Food

Dehydrated dog food is made by slicing raw meats and vegetables and placing them in dehydration bins.  All of the water will then be removed from the food using large fans and then it is packaged.  This process allows the food to retain the beneficial nutrients, vitamins and enzymes, unlike what dry, processed foods contain.

Dehydrated dog food is the closest form to feeding raw food.  The preparation for feeding dehydrated food is very easy and you can make several days worth of food at one time.  Adding water is the only thing that's needed for this food's preparation. For best results, let the food and water mixture sit overnight in the refrigerator.  Just pour the mixture in their bowl when you are ready to feed your pet.  It's that simple. 

One of the biggest questions people have about dehydrated foods is how long the bag will last.  The bags are not very big, usually weighing around 4 to 10 pounds, but don't let the size of the bag fool you.  A 10 pound bag of dehydrated dog food will generally last a 50 pound dog about one month….a lot of food in a small package.

As with any other dog food, it's very important to slowly introduce a new food to your pet's diet.  The transition time will generally take about two to three weeks.  It's important to remember that all pets are different and some take longer to transition than others.  If you're unsure about feeding your pet a totally raw diet, dehydrated food is a great alternative.


Raw Dog Food

Raw dog food is a popular way to feed dogs over the last few years because of the recent dog food recalls.  By feeding raw meat, you will eliminate these worries.  One of the most popular reasons people transition to feeding raw is because they have a dog with dog food allergies.  It's also the closest form to the way an animal would eat in the wild. 

Our dog food partners offer different types of raw dog food and raw, uncooked bones.  These foods come in many different proteins such as beef, chicken, turkey, bison, venison and rabbit.   Many people who feed their pet raw meat will also give  raw bones for the added calcium and phosphorus.  Raw bones are also a great way to clean teeth and exercise their chewing muscles.  Raw bones make a great dog treat and keep your pet busy in trying to get the marrow out.



















There are some precautions that need to be taken when feeding raw.  You should always make sure you wash your hands thoroughly after handling the raw meat.  Another precaution is when introducing dogs to raw dog food and raw bones they may experience constipation, diarrhea, or both.  Just like when transitioning a dog from any other food its very important to go slowly and feed small amounts at first.
















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Some of the natural foods contain manganese, phosphorous, calcium and potassium.  All of these vitamins and minerals are very necessary in a dog's diet. There are many vegetables rich in antioxidants such as leafy vegetables.  Feeding all natural food in their meal is just like getting an insurance policy for your loving pet.  There are lots of branded natural foods available in the market for your pet.  However, it is better to consult with a veterinary doctor before feeding canned natural food. 

There are certain natural dog food products which are highly pure.  It is very important not to mix any artificial ingredients in the food.  Therefore, the natural should be original to prevent any food poisoning.  Natural food must not consist of wheat, corn or soy and it's important to have herbal ingredients to maximize the amount of protein and fiber.  Pets are members of our family and they need a special attention, especially where good food and a proper diet are concerned.

There are many advantages of feeding natural food to dogs.  All natural dog food is very rich in vitamin E and C, which is very important for their body.  Vitamin E keeps their skin glowing and Vitamin C is good for their bones.  All of these vitamins affect their body in the same manner that they affect the human body.  Vitamins such as Beta-Carotene are helpful in removing toxins from the body which are commonly known as free radicals.

Animals normally eat meat.  Therefore, their bodies can gain a lot of toxic materials.  If toxic material is not removed from their body, they are at higher risk to get infected with diseases such as lung and heart disease.  It is always good to give a supplement of all natural food daily to keep their metabolic system free from infection and disease.

There are certain foods that should not be given to a dog such as oily food, rack pork or cured meat and is better not to give any pasteurized milk products like ice cream.  White bread, raisins, onions, milk, grapes and sugary food must also not be given and always keep them away from junk food and fast food.  The category of dog natural food includes cooked grain, unless feeding "grain-free", and lean cuts of meat such as beef, lamb, poultry, white fish, fatty fish or raw meat.  Eggs are also considered as good, healthy food for dogs.

All natural dog food has various benefits and veterinarians suggest it is better to feed natural food to dogs.  Natural food also affects the behavior of a pet, making them more active and playful and can also make changes in their ferocious attitude.  Feeding your dog all natural food will keep them healthier in the course of their life.

When you bring a new puppy home, the first thing you will want to do is feed him.  What kind of food do you use?  What are his nutritional requirements?  Will he like what you give him?  Make sure your vet is involved in his diet planning.  Make sure the dog's food is healthy and tasty.  Try to find something for the stage of life he is in.  For example, if he is a puppy, buy him puppy food.  Decide on what you are going to feed him before you bring him home.  This prevents last minute decisions that might not be healthy for your pet.

Dry food is quite popular.  It is easy to store and usually tastes great.  It is also good for helping keep their teeth clean.  Soft and moist food are great for your dog to eat because he will eat most of the food and get the added nutrition.  Canned food has the highest water content.  They also contain less nutrition, so you may need to feed your dog more than usual to equal out the nutrition they may need.  Look at the levels of vitamins and crude materials on the label.  Is there enough fat, protein, calories and other nutrients?  Is the food tasty and is the price too high?  These are things to consider when buying puppy food.

If your dog becomes finicky and will only eat certain things, it can often times be due to a change in diet.  Allow the dog time to adjust.  If he still won't eat, try a new food.  If he still doesn't cooperate, you may need to take him to the vet for a checkup to make sure nothing is wrong.

Some people feed their dog from the table. This is the same as snacking between meals and will ruin the dog's appetite  when it is time for him to eat his food.  Always avoid feeding the dog off the table.  Not only is it unhealthy, but they are at greater risk for being overweight causing further health issues.

Below are some of the coolest and best dog accessories you can find on the market right now. We also highly recommend you check out Cesar Milan's website for some other great finds for your dog! Buy your Dog Supplies and more from

Cesar Millan's Dog Collar



Big Shrimpy Planet-Friendly Catalina Pet Beds Walnut

Big Shrimpy Planet-Friendly Catalina Pet Beds Walnut

Designed with supporting walls and a removable center cushion to give your pet the perfect place to curl up for a cozy sleep – sweet dreams!

Jax & Bones 100% Organic Lounge Bed

Jax & Bones 100% Organic Lounge Bed

100% organic pet lounge beds that are great for your pets and the environment!

Greener Pup Recycled Fill Pet Bed Rectangle Large Kamina Congo

Greener Pup Recycled Fill Pet Bed Rectangle Large Kamina Congo

Filled with 100% recycled material scraps, these beds provide instant comfort and style. Machine washable too!

ABO Gear Dog Digs Collapsible Dog Crate Medium for Canine

ABO Gear Dog Digs Collapsible Dog Crate Medium for Canine

Dog Digs is a collapsible easy to assemble dog crate, no tools needed. Lightweight and portable, folds into a carry bag for easy storage.

Mr. Herzher's Pet Residence - Small Dark Brown Wicker For Pets

Mr. Herzher's Pet Residence – Small Dark Brown Wicker For Pets

A decorative, indoor pet home you won't want to hide! Unique 2-way door opens in and out.

Our Pets Durapet Slow Feed Bowl for Dogs Small

Our Pets Durapet Slow Feed Bowl for Dogs Small

The raised dome in the center of these bowls forces dogs to eat around the obstruction. This helps slow their feeding and improve digestion.

Planet Dog Travel Bowls Blue Stripe Small for Dogs and Cats

Planet Dog Travel Bowls Blue Stripe Small for Dogs and Cats

Collapsible, rollable, stuffable and very packable – pops open for easy access and sits flat for stability. The perfect traveling companion.

Unleashed Life Exclusively Designed Dog Bowls Acacia M for Canines

Unleashed Life Exclusively Designed Dog Bowls Acacia M for Canines

Unleashed Life offers exclusively designed dog bowls that are crafted from a variety of materials and feature hand-applied finishes.

5 lb. Petmate LeBistro Electronic Portion Control Feeders

5 lb. Petmate LeBistro Electronic Portion Control Feeders

This simple, programmable electronic food dispenser will automatically feed your pet pre-set portions of dry pet food.

Wetnoz Studio Collection Pet Bowls Studio Scoop 5C Orange

Wetnoz Studio Collection Pet Bowls Studio Scoop 5C Orange

The Studio line from Wetnoz includes bowls made from durable plastic with rubber feet. Available in 3 sizes, in white, blue, or orange.

Our Pet's Healthy Pet Diners Elevated Pet Feeder 8

Our Pet's Healthy Pet Diners Elevated Pet Feeder 8" for Dog and Cat

Provide a healthy, comfortable feeding position for your pets! Three sizes available for any size pet!

PetSTEP Portable Pet Ramp - Tan

PetSTEP Portable Pet Ramp – Tan

Ideal for older, heavy, or short-legged pets, the PetSTEP ramp can be used as a stair replacement. Perfect for vehicles, couches or beds.

Premier Gentle Leader Headcollar Black, Large

Premier Gentle Leader Headcollar Black, Large

End leash-pulling forever! No more tug-of-wars, jerking or being dragged down the street. Help control your dog's unwanted behavior and make going for a walk fun again!

Premier Gentle Leader Come With Me Kitty Harness & Bungee Leash Blue/Large

Premier Gentle Leader Come With Me Kitty Harness & Bungee Leash Blue/Large

Offering superior safety and security, this harness offers a better fit than traditional harnesses and allows more control. Comes with a bungee leash!

Natural fiber collars and leashes are non-toxic and good for the environment, get yours at Natural Pet Market
Shop for the best all natural, eco-friendly food and products for your animal companions.

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Dog Supplies – KV Supply

Castor & Pollux Organix Canine Formula Organic Canned Dog Food Turkey & Vegetables 12.7 oz

Castor & Pollux Organix Canine Formula Organic Canned Dog Food Turkey & Vegetables 12.7 oz

95% certified organic ingredients including turkey, chicken, potatoes, carrots, apples and brown rice. Healthy and delicious!

Castor & Pollux Organix Feline Formula Organic Canned Cat Food Turkey & Chicken 3 oz

Castor & Pollux Organix Feline Formula Organic Canned Cat Food Turkey & Chicken 3 oz

95% organic ingredients available in two tasty formulas your cats will love!

Raw Advantage Organic Recipe Raw Dog & Cat Food Turkey Chunks 1 lb

Raw Advantage Organic Recipe Raw Dog & Cat Food Turkey Chunks 1 lb

Recipes are made with 100% fresh frozen USDA free-range meat or poultry and can be mixed into the diet to add the benefits of raw food.

Natural Balance Organic Formula Dry Dog Food 25 lbs

Natural Balance Organic Formula Dry Dog Food 25 lbs

Made with free-range chicken, humanely treated, organic ingredients free of GMO's, antibiotics, hormones and pesticides.

Castor & Pollux Organix Cat & Kitten Organic Dry Food 14.5 lbs

Castor & Pollux Organix Cat & Kitten Organic Dry Food 14.5 lbs

Highly digestible, organic, meat-based protein with certified organic, free-range chicken; formulated to help maintain a healthy urinary tract.

Wagatha's Organic Dog Biscuit Treats - 9 oz. Orginal Flavor

Wagatha's Organic Dog Biscuit Treats – 9 oz. Orginal Flavor

100% certified organic, kosher, wholesome, natural ingredients make up these delicious dog treats in four delicious flavors. Made in the USA!

Castor & Pollux Organix Organic Cat Treats Chicken 2 oz

Castor & Pollux Organix Organic Cat Treats Chicken 2 oz

ORGANIX Organic Cat Treats feature 95% organic ingredients including organic, free-range chicken as the #1 ingredient.

Max & Ruffy's Organic Vegan Dog Treats Mother Quinoa's Pumpkin Patch (Wheat Free) Mini 5 oz

Max & Ruffy's Organic Vegan Dog Treats Mother Quinoa's Pumpkin Patch (Wheat Free) Mini 5 oz

Offering animal-free (vegan), organic, and nutritious treats to your dog is a healthy choice that is easily achievable with Max & Ruffy’s.

Newman’s Own Organic New Zealand Ranch Style Dog Treats Beef & Barley 10 oz

Newman’s Own Organic New Zealand Ranch Style Dog Treats Beef & Barley 10 oz

95%+ of ingredients are certified organic: barley, lamb, beef, vegetables, fruits. Breakable, scored biscuit high in protein.

Zuke's SuperFood Organic Dog Biscuits Health Nutz 14 oz

Zuke's SuperFood Organic Dog Biscuits Health Nutz 14 oz

Made with nutrient-dense, naturally-ocurring superfoods. Available in 3 flavors!

Nature's Variety Grain-Free Instinct Raw Food Diets Beef Patties 6 lbs

Nature's Variety Grain-Free Instinct Raw Food Diets Beef Patties 6 lbs

Raw diet containing 95% freshly ground USDA meat and fresh, natural fruits & vegetables, with cold processed Norwegian Virgin Salmon Oil.

Nature's Variety Grain-Free Instinct Raw Food Diets Lamb Medallions 3 lbs

Nature's Variety Grain-Free Instinct Raw Food Diets Lamb Medallions 3 lbs

Raw diet containing 95% freshly ground USDA meat and fresh, natural fruits & vegetables, with cold processed Norwegian Virgin Salmon Oil.

Nature's Variety Grain-Free Instinct Raw Food Diets Bison Patties 6 lbs

Nature's Variety Grain-Free Instinct Raw Food Diets Bison Patties 6 lbs

Raw diet containing 95% freshly ground USDA meat and fresh, natural fruits & vegetables, with cold processed Norwegian Virgin Salmon Oil.

Wysong Canine & Feline Diet Archetype Freeze Dried Food for Dogs & Cats Buffet 19.5 oz

Wysong Canine & Feline Diet Archetype Freeze Dried Food for Dogs & Cats Buffet 19.5 oz

Formulated to closely mirror the food animals eat in the wild, complete with meat, organs, bones, EFAs, probiotics, enzymes, and more nutrients.

Primal Pet Foods Frozen Raw Dog Bones Buffalo Marrow 2 in. 6 Pack

Primal Pet Foods Frozen Raw Dog Bones Buffalo Marrow 2 in. 6 Pack

Made from Buffalo raised in the US without antibiotics or added hormones. Great for dental health, especially for dogs allergic to beef.

Primal Pet Foods Raw Beef Bones Raw Beef Bones 2 in. 6 Pack (2.5 lbs.)

Primal Pet Foods Raw Beef Bones Raw Beef Bones 2 in. 6 Pack (2.5 lbs.)

Natural, human grade, raw beef bones offer an excellent way for dogs to get essential nutrients, exercise their jaws and clean their teeth.

Nature's Variety Frozen Bones & Turkey Necks Raw Mixed Bison Bones 5 lbs

Nature's Variety Frozen Bones & Turkey Necks Raw Mixed Bison Bones 5 lbs

Beef, lamb, ham, split knuckle bones and whole turkey necks are a nutritious treat that satisfies the natural chewing desire of dogs.

Orijen Grain-Free Adult Dry Dog Food 29.7 lbs

Orijen Grain-Free Adult Dry Dog Food 29.7 lbs

High-protein, low-carbohydrate food that replicates the same rich and diverse
nutrient balance from fresh meats, fruits and vegetables.

Orijen Grain-Free Senior Dry Dog Food 15.4 lbs

Orijen Grain-Free Senior Dry Dog Food 15.4 lbs

Features the highest quality of fresh, never-frozen chicken, turkey,
wild-caught fish and whole eggs for a balanced diet.





Orijen Grain-Free Puppy Dry Dog Food 29.7 lbs

Orijen Grain-Free Puppy Dry Dog Food 29.7 lbs

Biologically adapted to process proteins as an energy source, puppies need animal protein for healthy growth and building strong organs, skin and coat.

Natural Balance Limited Ingredient Diets Allergy Formula Dry Dog Food Sweet Potato & Bison 28 lbs

Natural Balance Limited Ingredient Diets Allergy Formula Dry Dog Food Sweet Potato & Bison 28 lbs

Designed for dogs with sensitivities to common pet food ingredients. Choose from a variety of forumulas, including vegetarian and small breed

Natural Balance Limited Ingredient Diets Allergy Formula Dry Dog Food Fish & Sweet Potato 28 lbs

Natural Balance Limited Ingredient Diets Allergy Formula Dry Dog Food Fish & Sweet Potato 28 lbs

Designed for dogs with sensitivities to common pet food ingredients. Choose from a variety of forumulas, including vegetarian and small breed

Innova EVO Red Meat Dry Dog Food 28.6 lbs Large Bites

Innova EVO Red Meat Dry Dog Food 28.6 lbs Large Bites

Created to supply the key nutritional benefits of a raw food diet, made from beef, lamb, buffalo and venison.

EVO Weight Management Dry Dog Food 28.6 lbs

EVO Weight Management Dry Dog Food 28.6 lbs

EVO Weight Management contains 30% less fat than regular EVO but with 20% more protein.

Meet Blackwood Dog Food, Natural, Small Batch Nutrition at 20% off! Shop today!